Publications et. c.

Journal articles – Journalism Studies
Journal articles – Political Communication
Journal articles – Other topics
Book chapters – Journalism Studies
Book chapters – Political Communication
Book chapters – Other topics
Conference presentations – Journalism Studies
Conference presentations – Political Communication
Conference presentations – Other topics
Review work
Editorial work et.c.
Professional memberships
Invited talks, writings
Media appearances
Other activities

Journal articles – Journalism Studies (Back to the top)

Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Scandinavian Hyperpartisans Prevail? News Use on Facebook during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Journalism Studies 24 (15), 1898-1917.

Solvoll, Mona Kristin and Larsson, Anders Olof (2020). The (non)use of likes, comments and shares of news in local online newspapersNewspaper Research Journal 41 (2), 204–217. Accepted version available at and ResearchGate.

Kalsnes, Bente and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Facebook news use during the 2017 Norwegian elections – Assessing the influence of hyperpartisan news. Journalism Practice. Accepted version available at and ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2019) News Use as Amplification –
Norwegian National, Regional and Hyperpartisan Media on Facebook. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 96 (3), 721–741. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Sundnes Løvlie, Anders; Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). “Friends Call Me Racist”: Experiences of Repercussions From Writing Comments On Newspaper Websites. Accepted for publication in Journalism.

Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Learning by Doing – Perspectives on Social Media Guidelines in Norwegian News OrganizationsJournalism Studies 19(6), 905-920. 50 free e-prints via this link. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). “I Shared the News Today, oh Boy” – News provision and interaction on FacebookJournalism Studies 19 (1), 43-61. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Assessing ’the regulars’ – and beyond. A study of comments on Norwegian and Swedish newspaper Facebook pagesJournalism Practice 12 (5), 605-623. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Diversifying Likes – Relating Reactions to Commenting and Sharing on Newspaper Facebook PagesJournalism Practice 12 (3). Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). The News User on Social Media. A Comparative Study of Interacting with Media Organizations on Facebook and Instagram. Journalism Studies 19 (15). Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Kalsnes, Bente and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Understanding News Sharing across Social Media – Detailing distribution on Facebook and Twitter.  Journalism Studies 19(11). Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Sundnes Løvlie, Anders; Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). User experiences with editorial control in online newspaper comment fields. Accepted for publication in Journalism PracticePre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea (2017). Beyond “J-Tweeters”. Assessing the social media use of Norwegian journalists across multiple platformsJournalism Practice 11(6), 689-704. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). In it for the Long Run? Swedish Newspapers and Their Audiences On Facebook 2010-2014. Journalism Practice 11(4), 438-457. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof; Kalsnes, Bente and Christensen, Christian (2017). Elite interaction – PSB use of Twitter during national elections in Norway and Sweden. Journalism Practice 11(9), 1137-1157. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Christensen, Christian (2016). From Show Room to Chat Room – SVT on Social Media during the 2014 Swedish Elections. Accepted for publication in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media TechnologiesPre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2015). Bots or Journalists? News Sharing on TwitterCommunications – The European Journal of Communication Research 40 (3), 361–370. Pre-print available on or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2013). Tweeting the viewer – Use of Twitter in a talk show contextJournal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 57(2), 135-152. 50 free E-Prints available here. Accepted version available

Larsson, Anders Olof (2013). Staying in or Going out? Assessing the linking practices of Swedish online newspapersJournalism Practice, 7(6), december 2013. Accepted version available at

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Understanding non-use of interactivity in online newspapers – Insights from Structuration theory. The Information Society 28(4), 253-263. Accepted version available at

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Interactivity on Swedish newspaper web sites – What kind, how much and why?. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 18(2), 195-213. Accepted version available at

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Interactive to me – Interactive to you? A study of use and appreciation of interactivity on Swedish newspaper web sites. New Media & Society, 13(7), 1180-1197. Accepted version available at

Journal articles – Political Communication  (Back to the top)

Boulianne, Shelley and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Comparative Digital Political Communication: Comparisons Across Countries, Platforms, and Time. Paper accepted for publication in Social Science Computer Review.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Angry sharing: Exploring the influence of Facebook reactions on political post sharing. First Monday 29 (6).

Widholm, Andreas; Ekman, Mattias and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). A right-wing wave on TikTok? Exploring ideological orientations and platform features as predictors of user engagement during the early 2022 election campaign in Sweden. Social Media and Society.

Magin, Melanie; Skogerbø, EliHaßler, Jörg and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Walking the line of the double bind: Women and men politicians’ gendered self-presentations on social media – a comparison between Germany and Norway. Nordic Journal of Media Studies 6 (1).

Magin, Melanie; Larsson, Anders Olof; Skogerbø, Eli and Tønnesen, Hedvig (2024). Tapestries of Topics: Factors Affecting the Issue Diversity of Political Parties’ Social Media Campaigns. Politics and Governance 12.

Boulianne, Shelley and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Digital Campaigning in the 2019 and 2021 Canadian Federal Elections. Politics and Governance 12.

Larsson, Anders Olof; Tønnesen, Hedvig; Magin, Melanie and Skogerbø, Eli (2024). Calls to (what kind of?) action – A framework for comparing political actors’ campaign strategies across social media platforms. Paper accepted for publication in New Media & Society.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Death of a Platform? A longitudinal and comparative study of political party Twitter use in Scandinavia. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media.

Magin, Melanie; Larsson, Anders Olof; Skogerbø, Eli and Tønnesen, Hedvig (2024). What makes the difference? Social media platforms and party characteristics as contextual factors for parties’ use of populist political communication.Nordicom Review (45) 1.

Tønnesen, HedvigBene, Márton; Haßler, Jörg; Larsson, Anders Olof; Magin, Melanie; Skogerbø, Eli and Wurst, Anna-Katharina (2023). Between anger and love: Comparing citizen engagement with party posts during election campaigns across three countries. Paper accepted for publication in New Media & Society.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). The rise of Instagram as a tool for political communication – A longitudinal study of European political parties and their followers.  New Media & Society 25 (10). Accepted version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). ‘Win a sweater with the PM’S face on it’ – A longitudinal study of Norwegian party Facebook engagement strategiesInformation, Communication & Society 26 (2). 

Boulianne, Shelley and Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Engagement with Candidate Posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook during the 2019 Election. New Media & Society 25 (1). Accepted version available at or ResearchGate.

Schwartz, Sander Andreas; Nelimarkka, Matti and Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Populist Platform Strategies: A comparative study of social media campaigning by Nordic right-wing populist parties. Paper published in Information, Communication & Society.

Márton Bene, Andrea Ceron, Vicente Fenoll, Jörg Haßler, Simon Kruschinski, Anders Olof Larsson, Melanie Magin, Katharina Schlosser and Anna-Katharina Wurst (2022). Keep them engaged! Investigating the effects of self-centered social media communication style on user engagement in 12 European countries. Paper published in Political Communication.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Picture-Perfect Populism – Tracing the Rise of European Populist Parties on Facebook. New Media & Society 24 (1). Accepted version available at or ResearchGate.

Skogerbø, Eli and Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). Comparing Twitter and Instagram as platforms for party leader communication – Findings from the 2017 Norwegian election. First Monday 26 (10).

Boulianne, Shelley; Belland, Stephanie; Sleptcov, Nikita & Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). Climate Change in the 2019 Canadian Federal ElectionClimate 9 (5), 1-14.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2020). Facebook as a ‘trusted space of everyday communication’: Parties, citizens and direct representation. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies 9 (2), 127-146. Accepted version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2020). Fear and loathing on Facebook? Tracking the rise of populism and platformization in viral political Facebook posts. First Monday 25 (2). 

Larsson, Anders Olof (2020). Right-Wingers on the Rise Online – Insights from the 2018 Swedish Elections. New Media & Society 22 (12), 2108-2127. Accepted version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Skiing all the way to the polls – Exploring the popularity of personalized posts on political Instagram accounts.  Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 25(5-6), 1096-1110. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). ‘Coherent clusters’ or ‘fuzzy zones’ – Understanding attention and structure in online political participation. First Monday 24 (8).

Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Winning and Losing on Social Media – Comparing Viral Political Posts Across PlatformsConvergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Accepted version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Thumbs up, thumbs down? Likes and dislikes as popularity drivers of political YouTube videos. First Monday 23(8).

Larsson, Anders Olof and Skogerbø, Eli (2018). Out with the old, in with the new? Perceptions of social (and other) media by local and regional Norwegian politiciansNew Media & Society 20(1), 219-236. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Top Users and Long Tails – Twitter and Instagram Use during the 2015 Norwegian Elections. Social Media and Society.

Engesser, Sven; Fawzi, Nayla and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Populist online communication: introduction to the special issueInformation, Communication & Society 20(9), 1279-1292.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Going Viral? Comparing Parties on Social Media During the 2014 Swedish ElectionConvergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 23(2)Available free through SAGE Choice.

Kalsnes, Bente; Larsson, Anders Olof and Enli, Gunn (2017). The social media logic of political interaction: Exploring citizens’ and politicians’ relationship on Facebook and TwitterFirst Monday 22(2).

Lidén, Gustav and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). From 1.0 to 2.0 – Swedish municipalities onlineJournal of Information Technology & Politics 13(4), 339-351. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Svensson, Jakob and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Interacting with whom? Swedish Parliamentarians on Twitter during the 2014 Elections. International Journal of E-Politics 7(1) 1-15.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Online, All the Time? A Quantitative Assessment of the Permanent Campaign on Facebook. New Media & Society 18(2) 274-292. Available free through SAGE Choice.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Green Light for Interaction – Party Use of Social Media During the 2014 Swedish Election Year. First Monday 20(12).

Larsson, Anders Olof and Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). Birds Of A Feather Flock Together? Party Leaders On Twitter During The 2013 Norwegian Elections. European Journal of Communication  30(6) 666–681Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Pandering, Protesting, Engaging. Norwegian Party Leaders on Facebook During the 2013 “Short Campaign”Information, Communication & Society18 (4) 459-473. Available free through Routledge Open Select.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). The EU Parliament on Twitter – Assessing the Permanent Online Practices of Parliamentarians. Journal of Information Technology & Politics  12 (2), 149-166. Available free through Routledge Open Select.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2014). Triumph of the Underdogs? Comparing Twitter Use by Political Actors During Two Norwegian Election Campaigns. SAGE Open 4 (4). Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2014). Everyday Elites, Citizens or Extremists? Assessing the Use and Users of Non-Election Political Hashtags. MedieKultur. Journal of Media and Communication Research 30 (56). Available free at MedieKultur.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Bente Kalsnes (2014). “Of course we are on Facebook” – Use and Non-Use of Social Media among Swedish and Norwegian Politicians. European Journal of Communication 29 (6), 653-667. Available free through SAGE Choice. Blog posts regarding the paper (12). ‘Most-Read’ article, July 2014 and January 2015.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Jakob Svensson (2014). Politicians Online – Identifying Current Research OpportunitiesFirst Monday 19 (4).

Larsson, Anders Olof (2013). Bringing it all back home? Social Media Practices by Swedish Municipalities. European Journal of Communication 28 (6). Available free through SAGE Choice.

Moe, Hallvard and Larsson, Anders Olof (2013). Untangling a Complex Media System. A Comparative Study of Twitter Linking Practices during Three Scandinavian Election CampaignsInformation, Communication & Society, 16 (5), 775-794. Accepted version available at

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2013). Representation or Participation? Twitter use during the 2011 Danish Election CampaignJavnost – The Public, 20(1), 71-88. Published version available here (pdf).

Larsson, Anders Olof (2013). ‘Rejected bits of program code’ – Why notions of “politics 2.0” remain (mostly) unfulfilled. Journal of Information Technology & Politics 10(1), 72-85. Accepted version available at

Moe, Hallvard and Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Methodological and ethical challenges with large-scale analyses of online political communication. Nordicom Review, 33 (2012) 1, 117-124. Published version available here (pdf).

Moe, Hallvard and Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Twitterbruk under valgkampen 2011 (Twitter use during the 2011 Norwegian elections). Norsk Medietidskrift nr 2/2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2011). Studying political microblogging. Twitter users in the 2010 Swedish election campaign. New Media & Society, 14 (5). Accepted version available here (pdf).

Journal articles – Other topics (Back to the top)

Hasselström, Elisabeth and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Managing the Pandemic in Digitized Spaces – Assessing the Social Media Approaches of Scandinavian Public Health Authorities. Paper accepted for publication in Social Media and Society.

Kaun, Anne; Larsson, Anders Olof and Masso, Anu (2024). Automation Scenarios: Citizen Attitudes Towards Automated Decision-Making in the Public Sector. Paper accepted for publication in Information, Communication & Society.

Svensson, Jakob; Larsson, Anders Olof and Strand, Cecilia (2024). Who relates to whom and according to which rationale? Visibility and Advocacy in the Ugandan LGBT+ Twittersphere. Paper accepted for publication in New Media & Society.

Kaun, Anne; Larsson Anders Olof and Masso, Anu (2023). Automating public administration: citizens’ attitudes towards automated decision-making across Estonia, Sweden, and Germany. Information, Communication & Society 27 (2).

Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). Tre spørsmål om metodeutvikling. Norsk medietidsskrift 28 (3).

Kjeldsen, Jens E; Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine N and Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). Expert ethos and the strength of networks: negotiations of credibility in mediated debate on COVID-19. Health Promotion International.

Rustad, Gry Cecilie and Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). Introducing Quantitative Reception Aesthetics: Television Reception and Textual Engagement. Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies, 16 (1).

Van den Bulck, Hilde and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). ‘There’s a Starman waiting in the Sky’: Mourning David #Bowie on Twitter. Accepted for publication in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media TechnologiesPre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Pettersen, Lene and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). The winners take it all: A comparative study of Twitter campaigns under pressure. First Monday 21(11).

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Comparing to Prepare: Suggesting Ways to Study Social Media Today—and TomorrowSocial Media + Society 1 (1)

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Editorial introduction to issue 2 (1). The Journal of Media Innovations, 2 (1), 1-6.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Ågerfalk, Pär J. (2013). Snowing, Freezing… Tweeting? Organizational Twitter use during crisisFirst Monday, Volume 18, Number 6 – 3 June 2013

Hrastinski, Stefan; Sjöström, Sofie; Eriksson Lundström, Jenny; Larsson, Anders Olof and Ozan, Håkan (2011). Encouraging participation in an intra-organizational online idea community: A case study of a Swedish municipality. First Monday, Volume 16, Number 10 – 3 October 2011.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Hrastinski, Stefan (2011). Blogs and Blogging: Current trends and future directions. First Monday, Volume 16, Number 3 – 7 march 2011.

Book chapters – Journalism Studies (Back to the top)

Solvoll, Mona; Larsson, Anders Olof and Krumsvik, Arne H. (2023). End of the “Prosumer” in News Media? User-Generated Content (UGC) Continues to Decrease as a Strategic Priority. In: Alexander Godulla, Stephan Böhm (eds.) Digital Disruption and Media Transformation. How Technological Innovation Shapes the Future of Communication. Springer.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). “Big Data” i journalistikforskningen. In: Karlsson, Michael och Strömbäck, Jesper (red.) Handbok i Journalistikforskning. Publiceras av Studentlitteratur under 2015.

Larsson, Anders Olof; Sjøvaag, Helle Karlsson, Michael Stavelin, Eirik and Moe, Hallvard (2015). Sampling Now and Then – Data Collection in a Digital Journalism Context. In: Witschge, Tamara; Anderson,  C. W.; Domingo, David  & Hermida, Alfred (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Digital Journalism.

Book chapters – Political Communication (Back to the top)

Boulianne, Shelley and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Young people and participation in election campaigns. Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Political Campaigning (eds. Darren G. Lilleker,  Daniel Jackson, Bente Kalsnes, Claudia Mellado, Filippo Trevisan and Anastasia Veneti). Routledge.

Kalsnes, Bente and Anders Olof Larsson (2022). Political communication. Chapter in the Research Handbook on Strategic Communication (eds. Falkheimer and Heide). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). Sceptical Sweden: Right-Wingers Dominate, Traditional Campaigning Permeates During the 2019 EP Election. In Hassler, J., Magin, M., Russmann, U. and Fenoll, V. (Eds.) Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election. Informing, Interacting with, and Mobilising Voters. Springer.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Small Is the New Big – At Least on Twitter: A Diachronic Study of Twitter Use During Two Regional Norwegian Elections. In Sobaci, M. Z.  and Hatipoğlu, I (Eds.) Sub-National Democracy and Politics through Social Media. Springer. Pre-print version available at or ResearchGate.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2016). From Emerging to Established? A Comparison of Twitter Use During Swedish Election Campaigns in 2010 and 2014. In A. Bruns, G. Enli, E. Skogerbø, A. O. Larsson & C. Christensen (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics: Routledge.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). ‘Ju mer vi är tillsammans’ – partiledare, samhälleliga eliter och medborgare på Twitter under riksdagsvalet 2014. I: Eric Carlsson, Bo Nilsson & Simon Lindgren (red.) Digital politik. Sociala medier, deltagande och engagemang.

Kalsnes, Bente och Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). I: Ihlen et al (red.) Sosiale medier i norsk politikk. Kapitel i Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Publiceras under 2015.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2013). Twitter in Politics and Elections – Insights from Scandinavia. In: Weller, Katrin; Bruns, Axel; Burgess, Jean; Mahrt, Merja and Cornelius Puschmann (eds.) Twitter & Society, Peter Lang. Available here.

Book chapters – Other topics (Back to the top)

Haddara, Moutaz and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017) Big Data. Hvordan danne relevant beslutningsgrunnlag i store informasjonsmengder? In: Næss, Hans Erik and Pettersen, Lene (Eds.), Metodebok for kreative fag: Universitetsforlaget.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Som man spør, får man svar. Strukturerte spørreundersøkelser i praksis. Metodebok for kreative fag. In: Næss, Hans Erik and Pettersen, Lene (Eds.), Metodebok for kreative fag: Universitetsforlaget.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015) Studying Big Data – ethical and methodological considerations. In: Fossheim, Hallvard & Ingierd, Helene (eds.) Internet Research Ethics. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Conference presentations – Journalism Studies (Back to the top)

Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Facebook news engagement during the pandemic – a comparative Scandinavian study. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Aarhus, Denmark, october 19-22.

Solvoll, Mona K; Larsson, Anders Olof and Krumsvik, Arne H (2021). End of the «Prosumer» in News Media? User Generated Content (UGC) Continues to Decrease as Strategic Priority. Presentation at emma 2021: Media management and sustainability. Jönköping, Sweden, october 27-29.

Kalsnes, Bente and Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Comparing social media news sharing during the 2017 Norwegian elections – Assessing mainstream and alternative media outlets. Abstract accepted for presentation at the Making sense of Election reporting: new directions, new challenges? pre-conference, held before the 2018 ICA conference in Prague, Czech republic, may 24-28.

Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Managing the immigration debate – A comparative study of Scandinavian news organizations. Paper accepted for presentation at The Future of Journalism conference 2017, to be held in Cardiff, 14-15 september.

Sundnes Løvlie, AndersIhlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). “Friends Call Me Racist”: Experiences of Repercussions From Writing Comments On Newspaper Websites. Paper accepted for presentation at the “Comments, Anyone? Multidisciplinary Approaches for Analyzing Online User Comments across News and Other Content Formats” pre-conference preceding the ICA 2017 conference, to be held in San Diego, California, 25-29 may.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). ”Anger is an Energy” – Introducing Reactions on Newspaper Facebook Pages. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2017 ECREA Journalism Studies Conference. To be held in Odense, Denmark, 23-24 march.

Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Learning by failing – Editorial expectations to social media use among journalists. Paper presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA). To be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 9–12 november.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Skogerbø, Eli (2016). Out with the Old, In with the New? Perceptions of social (and other) media by local and regional Norwegian politicians. Paper presentation at the Dealing with the Local: Media, Proximity and Community preconference. To be held before the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA), 8 november.

Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Social media guidance in Norwegian news organisations. Paper accepted for presentation at Norsk Medieforskerkonferense 2016 (Norwegian Media Research conference). To be held in Bergen, October 20-21.

Kalsnes, Bente and Larsson, Anders Olof. The ingredients of social news. Paper accepted for presentation at The International Symposium on Media Innovations at the University of Oslo, 13-14 october.

Sundnes Løvlie, Anders, Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Experiences of repercussions from participation in online debate. Paper accepted for presentation at Internet Research 17. To be held in Berlin, 6-8 october.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). “I Shared the News Today, Oh Boy”.€“ News Provision and Engagement on Facebook. Paper accepted for presentation at the ICA 2016 conference, “Communicating with Power”. Fukuoka, Japan.

Sundnes Løvlie, Anders, Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). User experiences with editorial control in online comments sections after the 2011 terror attacks in Norway. Paper accepted for presentation at the ICA 2016 conference “Communicating with Power”. Fukuoka, Japan.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Christensen, Christian (2015). Reaching out to which audience? Assessing public service broadcaster use of social media during the 2014 Swedish elections. Paper presented during the Journalism and Social Media panel, held at the NordMedia Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, august 13-15.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Reaching out to what audience? Assessing public service broadcaster use of Facebook and Twitter during the 2014 Swedish elections. Paper accepted for presentation at the fourth Symposium on Media Innovations, to be held in Brussels, june 2.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2014). News Sharing on Twitter – Bots or Journalists? Paper accepted for presentation at the International Symposium on Media Innovations, Oslo, 24-25 apr. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Reproducing Structures of Audiencehood: Questioning the Involved Audience. Presentation for the Participatory Journalism: Possibilities for and Constraints to Audience Participation panel, held at ECREA 2012. Istanbul, Turkey, 24-27 october 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). How journalists use Twitter – a case study. Presentation held at the Internet Research 13.0: Technologies conference. Salford, United Kingdom, 18-21 october 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Reaching out to the audience? Journalists use of Twitter in a talk show context. Paper presented at the Neojournalism Conference. Brussels, Belgium, 3-4 october 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Understanding Non-Use of Interactivity in the Online Newspaper Context – Insights from Structuration Theory. Paper presented at the 62nd annual ICA Conference. Phoenix, AZ, 24-28 may 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Cautious traditionalists? Use of interactive features on Swedish newspaper web sites. Paper presented at the 62nd annual ICA Conference. Phoenix, AZ, 24-28 may 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Reproducing structures of audiencehood. Presentation held at The 2012 International Symposium on Media Innovations at the University of Oslo. Oslo, Norway, 19-20 april 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Who wants to interact? Visitor types on newspaper web sites. Paper presented at the 61st annual ICA Conference. Boston, MA, 26-30 may 2011. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2010). Interactive to me – Interactive to you? Poster presentation (poster available here) held at the 2010 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2010). St. Louis, MI, 12-15 december 2010. Available in the ICIS 2010 Proceedings.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2009). Interaktiva funktioner på svenska tidningars hemsidor. Paper presented at – The Swedish Internet Research Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 4th november 2009. Slides (in Swedish) available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2009). Interactivity on newspaper web sites. The case of Sweden. Paper presented at New Media and Information: Convergences and Divergences. Athens, Greece, 6-9 may 2009. Slides available here.

Conference presentations – Political Communication (Back to the top)

Larsson, Anders Olof and Svensson, Jakob (2024). “I have seen it, have you seen me?” The logic of Engagement on Ugandan LGBT+ Organizations Digital Platforms. Presented at the 2024 ECREA conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 September.

Gustafsson, Nils and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). RIP #almedalen: Hashtag agenda building at a democracy festival. Abstract accepted for the 2024 ECREA conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 September.

Buyens, Willem and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Links in the chain: Political parties’ online link sharing during campaign times in Belgium and Sweden. Abstract accepted for the 2024 ECREA conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 September.

Kalsnes, Bente and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). “Anger is an Energy” – Anger, Love and the sharing of political posts on Facebook in Scandinavian elections. Abstract accepted for the 2024 ECREA conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 September.

Larsson, Anders Olof; Tønnesen, Hedvig; Magin, Melanie and Skogerbø, Eli (2024). Calls to (what kind of?) action – Political actors’ strategies on three social media platforms. Paper accepted for the 74th Annual ICA Conference. Gold Coast, Australia, 20-24 June.

Magin, Melanie; Skogerbø, EliHaßler, Jörg and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024) Walking the line of the double bind: Women and men politicians’ gendered self-presentations on social media – a comparison between Germany and Norway. Paper accepted for the 74th Annual ICA Conference. Gold Coast, Australia, 20-24 June.

Widholm, Andreas; Ekman, Mattias and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). A right-wing wave on TikTok? Exploring ideological orientations and platform features as predictors of user engagement during the early 2022 election campaign in Sweden. Paper accepted for the 74th Annual ICA Conference. Gold Coast, Australia, 20-24 June.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Christensen, Christian (2024). Shifting Communities? The rightward drift of the #svpol (“Swedish Politics”) hashtag on Twitter/X From 2010-2022. Presentation at the Reinventing Democracy: Campaigns and Discourses in the Age of Data, Computational Propaganda, and AI conference. Cadenabbia, Italy, 16-20 June.

Russmann, Uta and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Permanent campaigning or not? Party communication on Instagram in-between and during election campaigns (in Austria). Presentation at the Reinventing Democracy: Campaigns and Discourses in the Age of Data, Computational Propaganda, and AI conference. Cadenabbia, Italy, 16-20 June.

Tønnesen, Hedvig; Bene, Márton; Haßler, Jörg; Larsson, Anders Olof; Magin, Melanie; Skogerbø, Eli and Anna-Katharina Wurst (2023). A Three-Country Study on the Impact of Policy Issues on Facebook Reactions. Paper presented at the APSA – American Political Science Association conference. Los Angeles, 31 August – 3 September.

Larsson, Anders Olof; Tønnesen, Hedvig; Magin, Melanie and Skogerbø, Eli (2023).   Informing, mobilizing and interacting – A cross-platform study of parties on social media during the 2021 Norwegian elections. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2023 ECREA Political Communication Section Conference. Berlin, 31 August – 1 September.

Cowburn, Mike; Klinger, Ulrike and Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Campaigning in the Age of Platforms: A Longitudinal Analysis of German Parties & Politicians. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2023 ECREA Political Communication Section Conference. Berlin, 31 August – 1 September.

Haßler, Jörg; Magin, Melanie; Larsson, Anders Olof and Skogerbø, Eli (2023). Shaped by gender stereotypes? Comparing the election campaigns on Facebook and Instagram by female and male top politicians in Norway and Germany. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2023 ECREA Political Communication Section Conference. Berlin, 31 August – 1 September.

Magin, Melanie; Tønnesen, Hedvig; Larsson, Anders Olof and Skogerbø, Eli (2023). Who’s afraid of populism? The strategic use of populist communication by Norwegian parties on social media during the 2021 election campaign. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2023 ECREA Political Communication Section Conference. Berlin, 31 August – 1 September.

Kalsnes, Bente and Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Same same but different? Comparing social media use in Scandinavia during elections. Abstract accepted for presentation at the NordMedia Conference, Bergen, Norway, 16-18 August.

Magin, Melanie; Skogerbø, Eli; Larsson, Anders Olof and Haßler, Jörg (2023). Shaped by gender stereotypes? Comparing the election campaigns on Facebook and Instagram by female and male top politicians in Norway and Germany. Abstract accepted for presentation at the NordMedia Conference, Bergen, Norway, 16-18 August.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Death of a Platform? A longitudinal and comparative study of political party Twitter use in Scandinavia. Paper accepted for the 73rd Annual ICA Conference. Toronto, Canada, 25-29 May.

Tønnesen, HedvigBene, Márton; Haßler, Jörg; Larsson, Anders Olof; Magin, Melanie; Skogerbø, Eli and Wurst, Anna-Katharina (2023). Between anger and love: Comparing citizen engagement with party posts during election campaigns across three countries. Paper accepted for the 73rd Annual ICA Conference. Toronto, Canada, 25-29 May.

Magin, Melanie Larsson, Anders Olof: Tønnesen, Hedvig and Skogerbø, Eli (2022). Who’s afraid of populism? The use of populist communication by parties andpoliticians on Facebook and Instagram during the 2021 Norwegian election campaign. Abstract accepted for the Digital disintegration: Actors, platforms, citizens symposium. Stockholm, Sweden, 10 November.

Russmann, Uta; Lilleker, Darren; Bene, Márton; Farkas, Xénia; Haßler, Jörg; Jackson, Dan; Kruschinski, Simon; Larsson, Anders Olof; Magin, Melanie and Veneti, Anastasia (2022). Liking, sharing or commenting – how different imagery evoke different audience responses on Facebook during elections. Presentation at the 9th European Communication Conference. Aarhus, Denmark, 19-22 October.

Magin, Melanie; Tønnesen, Hedvig; Larsson, Anders Olof and Skogerbø, Eli (2022). Issue ownership in the 2021 Norwegian election: parties and candidates on Facebook and Instagram. Presentation at the 9th European Communication Conference. Aarhus, Denmark, 19-22 October.

Larsson, Anders Olof; Tønnesen, HedvigMagin, Melanie and Skogerbø, Eli (2022). Prioritizing platforms – detailing party engagement efforts during the 2021 Norwegian elections. Presentation at the Digital Election Campaigning Worldwide Preconference held before the 9th European Communication Conference. Aarhus, Denmark, 19-22 october.

Larsson, Anders Olof; Tønnesen, HedvigMagin, Melanie and Skogerbø, Eli (2022). Parties, platforms and prioritizations – Party use of social media during the 2021 Norwegian elections. Paper presented at Norsk medieforskerkonferanse 2022, Stavanger, Norway, 13-14 October.

Tønnesen, Hedvig; Bene, Márton; Haßler, Jörg; Larsson, Anders Olof; Magin, Melanie; Skogerbø, Eli and Wurst, Anna-Katharina (2022). Between anger and love: Comparing citizen engagement with party posts during election campaigns across three countries. Presentation at the eighth conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, Loughborough University, sep 22-23.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Death of a platform – A longitudinal and comparative study of party and citizen Twitter use in Scandinavia. Abstract presented at the Digital Campaigning in Dissonant Public Spheres conference, Villa Collina, Cadenabbia, Italy, may 8-11.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Sustaining public connection through Twitter? Scandinavian perspectives on political party Twitter use. Abstract presented at the Media and Publics Conference, Roskilde University, april 28-29.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). ”Win a sweater with the PM’s face on it”
– A longitudinal study of Norwegian party Facebook engagement strategies. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 2021 POLKOM conference. Oslo, november 4th.

Kalsnes, B. & Larsson, A.O. (2021). Going local on social media: Norwegian parliamentarians’ use of social media during the 2019 local election. Presentation to be held at the NordMedia2021 conference. Reykjavik / Online, august 18-20.

Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V., Hassler, J., Kruschinski, S., Larsson, A.O., Magin, M., Schlosser, K., Wurst, A-K., Lilleker, D. & Maurer, P. (2021). Engaging Users Through Information or Critique? “Likes” and “shares” for parties on Facebook during the 2019 European Election campaign. Presentation at the Weizenbaum Conference 2021 – “Democracy in Flux: Order, Dynamics and Voices in Digital Public Spheres”. Submission available here. Berlin / Online, june 17-18.

Larsson, A.O. (2021). Performing populism – A longitudinal study of online populism expressions. Presentation at the Communication Power of Global Citizens and Politicians conference, Paris / Online, june 8-9

Larsson, A.O. (2021). “Win a Sweater with the PM’s Face on it” – A Longitudinal Study of Norwegian Party Facebook Engagement Strategies. Paper presented during the Trondheim Analytica Analyzing Citizen Engagement with European Politics through Social Media workshop. Trondheim / Online, april 15-16. 

Kruschinski, S., Hassler, J., Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V., Larsson, A.O., Magin, M., Schlosser, K. & Wurst, A-K (2021). Keep them engaged! A 12-country investigation of content features provoking user engagement on parties’ Facebook posts in the 2019 European Elections. Paper accepted for presentation at the virtual 71st Annual ICA Conference, may 27-31.

Boulianne, S. & Larsson, A.O. (2021). Engagement with Candidate Posts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook during the 2019 Election. Paper accepted for presentation at the virtual 71st Annual ICA Conference, may 27-31.

Schwartz, S.A. & Larsson, A.O. and Nelimarkka, M. (2021). Populist Platform Strategies: A comparative study of social media campaigning by Nordic right-wing populist parties. Paper accepted for presentation at the virtual 71st Annual ICA Conference, may 27-31.

Haßler, J., Baranowski, P., Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V., Jackson, D., Kruschinski, S., Larsson, A. O., Lilleker, D., Magin, M., Maurer, P., Rußmann, U., Schlosser, K., Veneti, A. & Wurst, A-K. (2021). Campaigning on Facebook. Political Parties’ Digital Communication Strategies in the 2019 European Elections. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA), to be held in Braga, Portugal, 6-9 september.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). A decade of political communication on Facebook – exploratory insights from Europe. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 8th European Communication Conference (ECREA), to be held in Braga, Portugal, 6-9 september.

Russmann, U., Magin, M., Haßler, J., Baranowski, P., Bene, M., Ceron, A., Farkas, X., Fenoll, V., Jackson, D., Kruschinski, S., Larsson, A. O., Lilleker, D., Maurer, P., Schlosser, K., Veneti, A., & Wurst, A.-K. (2021). “Populists” communication on Facebook during the 2019 EP Elections. Presentation at the Protagoras symposium “Europe facing populists in power: communication strategies and practices.” Brussels, Belgium, 14-15 january.

Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V. & Larsson, A.O. (2020). Shared patterns: A cross-country investigation of user engagement with parties’ Facebook posts during the 2019 European Parliament Election. Presentation at the Virtual 116th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 9-13 september.

Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V., Haßler, J., Kruschinski, S., Larsson, A.O., Magin, M., Schlosser, K., & Wurst, A. (2020). Likes, shares, comments: An analysis of content features triggering user engagement on Facebook posts in the 2019 European Elections. Paper presented at the ECPR 2020 Virtual Conference, 24-26 august.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2020). Right-Wingers on the Rise Online – Insights from the 2018 Swedish Elections. Accepted for publication at the 70th Annual ICA Conference, to be held in Gold Coast, Australia, 21-25 may.

Boulianne, S., Belland, S. & Larsson, & A.O. (2021). Climate Change, Social Media, and Political Parties. Presentation at the Digital Media and the 2019 Federal Election Symposium, Ottawa, 20-21 february.

Haßler, J., Baranowski, P., Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V., Jackson, D., Kruschinski, S., Larsson, A. O., Lilleker, D., Magin, M., Maurer, P., Rußmann, U., Schlosser, K., Veneti, A. & Wurst, A-K. (2020). Really a European Populist Zeitgeist? How populists used Facebook posts and ads for campaigning across 11 countries in the European Election Campaign 2019. Workshop European Elections 2019, Amsterdam, 30-31 january.

Haßler, J., Baranowski, P., Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V., Jackson, D., Kruschinski, S., Larsson, A. O., Lilleker, D., Magin, M., Maurer, P., Rußmann, U., Schlosser, K., Veneti, A. & Wurst, A-K. (2019). How political parties tried to produce participation in the European Election Campaign 2019 – A comparative content analysis of parties’ Facebook campaigns in 12 countries. Paper presented at the The production of participation in the digital world workshop, Trondheim, december 12-13.

Haßler, J., Baranowski, P., Bene, M., Ceron, A., Fenoll, V., Jackson, D., Kruschinski, S., Larsson, A. O., Lilleker, D., Magin, M., Maurer, P., Rußmann, U., Schlosser, K., Veneti, A. & Wurst, A-K. (2019). Campaigning for Strasbourg (CamforS) – a Cross-National Comparison of Campaign Mobilization in Social Media. Congress on European Elections 2019: Populism & Euroscepticism. Valencia,  november 20-22.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Fear and Loathing on Facebook? Tracking the Rise of Populism and Platformization in Viral Political Facebook Post. Presentation for the A decade of social media elections – a cross-national perspective panel, #AOIR conference, Brisbane, Australia, october 3-5.

Gustafsson, Nils; Svensson, Jakob and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Elite and non-elite agenda-setting on Twitter: the case of #almedalen 2018. Paper presented at Nordmedia 2019, Malmö, Sweden, august 21-23.

Toledo Bastos, Marco; Walker, Shawn and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). The Long Tail That Disappears: Ephemeral Hyperpartisan News In The 2018 Elections. Abstract accepted for presentation at the #AOIR Flashpoint Symposium Below the Radar: Private Groups, Locked Platforms and Ephemeral Content. Urbino, Italy, june 24.

Toledo Bastos, Marco; Walker, Shawn and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Assessing the Shelf Life of Hyperpartisan Content Across Elections. Abstract accepted for the Digital Threats to Democracy workshop, arranged by The Social Science Research Council. New York City, NY, june 13-14.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Coherent Clusters’ or ‘Fuzzy Zones’ – Understanding attention and structure in online political participation. Paper accepted for presentation at the 69th annual ICA Conference, Washington, DC, may 2019.

Skogerbø, Eli and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Comparing Twitter and Instagram as platforms for party leader communication – Findings from the 2017 Norwegian election. Paper accepted for presentation at the 69th annual ICA Conference, Washington, DC, may 2019.

Russmann, Uta; Svensson, Jakob and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Portraying Politics – Instagram use in Scandinavian election campaigns. Paper accepted for presentation at the 69th annual ICA Conference, Washington, DC, may 2019.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Politiske vinnere og tapere i sosiale medier – eksempler fra stortingsvalget i 2017. Presentation for the Journalistikk og politikk i norske medier 2000-2020 seminar, arranged by Norsk mediehistorisk forening. Oslo, march 5. Stream available here.

Skogerbø, Eli and Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Crossing over? Parties and politicians on Twitter and Instagram. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Lugano, Switzerland, october 31-november 3.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Winning and losing on social media – Comparing the popularity of political posts across platforms. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Lugano, Switzerland, october 31-november 3.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Political participation across social media and elections. Abstract accepted for presentation at The Internet, Policy & Politics Conference 2018. To be held in Oxford, UK, september 20-21.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Winning and losing on social media: Comparing the popularity of political posts across platforms. Presentation at the Cut the bullshit! Communication, populism and electoral choice in the new media environment conference, Caddenabia, Italy, june 20-22.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). “Death of a hashtag” – a diachronic study of participation on social media during two Norwegian election campaigns. Abstract accepted for presentation at the Data and Publics: A New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere? pre-conference, held before the 2018 ICA conference in Prague, Czech republic, may 24-28.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Skiing all the way to the polls – Exploring the popularity of personalized posts on Norwegian political Instagram accounts. Paper accepted for presentation at the ICA 2017 conference, to be held in San Diego, California, 25-29 may.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Comparing (Inbetween) Campaigns –Swedish Political Parties on Facebook 2010-2014. Presentation for panel session on Direct Representation in non-electoral periods. To be held at at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Prague, Czech Republic, 9–12 november.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Assessing Social Media Strategies – Comparing Twitter and Instagram Use during the 2015 Norwegian Elections. Presentation for panel session – Political Campaigning Beyond Facebook and Twitter: Five European Perspectives. Other presenters: Ulrike Klinger, Karolina Koc-Michalska, Darren Lilleker, Uta RussmannEli Skogerbø, Jakob Svensson and Maurice Vergeer. To be held at at the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Prague, Czech Republic, 9–12 november.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Top Users and Long Tails – Assessing the use of Twitter and Instagram during the 2015 Norwegian elections. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2016 Internet, Politics, and Policy (IPP) conference. To be held in Oxford, UK, 22-23 september.

Kalsnes, Bente, Larsson, Anders Olof and Enli, Gunn (2016). The social media logic of political interaction: Exploring citizens€ and politician relationships on Facebook and Twitter. Paper accepted for presentation at the ICA 2016 conference, “Communicating with Power”. Fukuoka, Japan.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Presentation for panel: Adoption and Adaptation: Diachronic Perspectives on the Growing Sophistication of Social Media Uses in Elections Campaigns. Internet Research 16 conference, held in Phoenix, AZ, October 21-24 2015.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Campaigns in Comparison – Swedish Political Parties on Facebook 2010-2014. Presentation to be held at the IPSA Communication, Democracy and Digital Technology conference. Rovinj, Croatia, october, 2-3.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Skogerbø, Eli (2015). Out With the Old, In With the New? Perceptions Of Social Media By Local And Regional Norwegian Politicians. Paper presented at the NordMedia Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, august 13-15.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2015). Comparing Twitter Use and Users During Two Swedish Elections – From Megaphones to Discussants? Paper accepted for presentation at the Discussion, Dialogue, Discourse: Meanings and Methods preconference, to be held before ICA 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico, may 20th.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Comparing Political Engagement Across Digital Platforms – A Cross-Media Perspective on Social Media Use. Paper accepted for presentation at the Meaning Across Media conference, Copenhagen, 6-8 may.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Size is Everything? Comparing Parties on Social Media During the 2014 Swedish Election. Paper accepted for presentation at the Political Engagement in the Web.2.0 era. Co-Production in Election Campaigning workshop during the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Warsaw, Poland, 29 march – 2 april.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Different platform, different engagement? Social media use during the 2014 Swedish Elections. Paper to be presented at the Media Engagement Conference, Lund, Sweden, 19 march.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Comparing (Inbetween) Campaigns – Swedish Political Parties on Facebook 2010-2014. Paper to be presented at the 12th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government (SWEG 2015). Copenhagen, Denmark, 3-4 February.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2014). Political Social Media Use in Scandinavia. Presentation for the Political uses of Social Media – Five European Perspectives panel, held at the ECREA 2014 conference. Lisboa, Portugal, 12-15 november.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2014). What Causes Engagement on Political Facebook Pages? Party leaders in the 2013 Norwegian Election Campaign. Poster presentation to be held at the ECREA 2014 conference. Lisboa, Portugal, 12-15 november.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2014). From Emerging to Established? A Comparison of Twitter Use During Norwegian Election Campaigns in 2011 and 2013. Paper to be presented at Norsk Medieforskerkonferense 2014 (Norwegian Media Research conference). Trondheim, 23-24 october.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2014). Europe Online – Assessing the Twitter practices of EU parliamentarians. Paper pesented at the Internet, Politics, and Policy: Crowdsourcing for Politics and Policy conference. Oxford, 25-26 september.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2014). Regional vs National elections on Twitter – The case of Norway. Paper to be presented at the Civic political engagement and public spheres in the new digital era conference. Paris, 24-27 june.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2014). Online, All the Time? A Quantitative Assessment of the Permanent Campaign on Facebook. Paper presented at the Social Media and the Transformation of Public Space conference. Amsterdam, 18-20 june.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2014). Please like me! Norwegian Politicians on Facebook During the 2013 Elections. Paper to be presented at the Institutional Change in the Public Sphere conference, arranged by Institute for Social Research. Åsgårdstrand, 10-11 june.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2014). Everyday Elites, Citizens or Extremists? Assessing the Use and Users of Non-Election Political Hashtags. Paper to be presented at the 64th annual ICA Conference. Seattle, WA, 22-26 may.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Ihlen, Øyvind (2014). Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Party Leaders on Twitter during the 2013 Norwegian Elections. Paper presented at the Strategic Communication Campaigns in a Contemporary, Digital and Networked Society ICA preconference. Seattle, WA, 22-26 may.

Larsson, Anders Olof, Kalsnes, Bente and Moe, Hallvard (2014). Approaches to studying cross-media agenda setting: Lessons from an ongoing project. Presentation at the Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies: The future of audience research: Agenda, theory and societal significance Open Conference of the COST Action IS0906. Ljubljana, 5-7 february.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2014). Same Same But Different? The Development of Twitter Use During Norwegian Elections. Presentation for the Comparative Perspectives on Social Media in Political Communication workshop, held during the 5th Annual International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, 8-9 january 2014. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof, Bente Kalsnes, Gunn Enli, Hallvard Moe and Eli Skogerbø (2013). Twitter Use during the 2013 Norwegian Elections  – Some Initial Insights. Presentation for the Social Media and Elections: The Use of Twitter in the 2013 Campaigns in Italy, tratralia, Germany, and Norway panel. Held at Internet Research 14.0, Denver, Colorado, USA, 23-26 october. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Bente Kalsnes (2013). “Of course we are on Facebook” – Use and Non-Use of Social Media among Swedish and Norwegian Politicians. Presentation to be held at the New Trends in Political Communication conference, organized by the Political Communication Section of ECREA. Milan, Italy, 19-20 september.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Jakob Svensson (2013). Politicians online – three opportunities for future research. Paper presented at the Nordmedia conference. Oslo, Norway, 8-11 august.

Larsson, Anders Olof, Hallvard Moe and Jakob Svensson (2013). Political communication and methodological triangulations in the era of “Big Data”. Presentation for the Challenging online research: Insights from across the field panel, held at the 63rd annual ICA Conference. London, UK, 17-21 june.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Jakob Svensson (2013). Researching Politicians Online. Identifying Research Directions. Work-in-progress paper presented at the Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2013. Krems, Austria, 22-25 may. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2013). “Municipalities 2.0”? A Structural Analysis of Social Media use By Swedish Municipalities. Presentation held at the 10th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government (SWEG 2013), University of Oslo, 5-6 february. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof, Hallvard Moe and Jakob Svensson (2012). Twitter and the Public Sphere. Political communication and methodological triangulations in the era of “Big Data”. Presentation held at the New Media and the Public Sphere conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-9 november 2012. Slides available here.

Moe, Hallvard and Anders Olof Larsson (2012). Comparing Twitter Linking Practices during Scandinavian Election Campaigns. Presentation for the Social Media and Election Campaigns: Emerging Practices in Europe and Australia panel, held at ECREA 2012. Istanbul, Turkey, 24-27 october 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). ‘Rejected bits of program code’ – on the neglect of digital participation opportunities in the 2.0 era. Abstract accepted for presentation at the ICA Political Communication Graduate Student Preconference, held at the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 23-24 may 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Reproducing structures of audiencehood – why notions of “politics 2.0” remain (mostly) unfulfilled. Presentation held at The Fourth ICTs and Society Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 2-4 may 2012.

Moe, Hallvard and Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Mapping Participation and Power on Twitter during Election Campaigns. A Comparison of the Scandinavian Countries. Presentation held at The Fourth ICTs and Society Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 2-4 may 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2012). Tweeting the election – Twitter use during Scandinavian parliamentary elections. Presentation at the Communicating a world of norms (ICA co-sponsored) conference. Roubaix, France, 7-9 march.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2012). Twitter use during Scandinavian elections. Presentation held at the 9th Scandinavian Workshop on E-government (SWEG 2012). Copenhagen, Denmark on 9-10 february 2012.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Same, same but different. Political party web sites during the 2010 Swedish election. Paper accepted for presentation at the 6th ECPR General Conference. Reykjavik, Iceland 25-27 august 2011.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2011). #val2010 – Twitter use during the 2010 Swedish election campaign. Paper accepted for presentation at the 6th ECPR General Conference. Reykjavik, Iceland 25-27 august 2011.

Moe, Hallvard and Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Methodological and ethical challenges with large-scale analyses of online political communication. Paper presented at the NordMedia 2011 conference. Akureyri, Iceland, 11-13 August 2011. Slides available here, paper available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Moe, Hallvard (2011). Who Tweets? Tracking microblog use during the 2010 Swedish election campaign. Paper presented at the 19th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2011). Helsinki, Finland, 9-11 june 2011. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2010). The 2010 Swedish elections online. Some tentative results. Presentation held at the Evaluating Social Media workshop preceding the Internet Research 11.0: Sustainability, Participation, Action conference. Gothenburg, Sweden, 20 october 2010. Slides available here.

Conference presentations – Other topics (Back to the top)

Svensson, Jakob and Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). “I have seen it, have you seen me?” The logic of Engagement on Ugandan LGBT+ Organizations Digital Platforms. Abstract accepted for the 2024 ECREA conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 September.

Svensson, Jakob; Larsson, Anders Olof and Strand, Cecilia (2023). Who relates to whom and according to which rationale? Visibility and Advocacy in the Ugandan LGBT+ Twittersphere. Abstract accepted for the 2024 ECREA conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 September. 

Kaun, Anne; Larsson, Anders Olof and Masso, Anu (2023). Evaluating ADM – citizen attitudes towards automated decision-making across three domains and three welfare regimes. Extended abstract accepted for presentation at the AoIR 2023 conference, Philadelphia, PA, 18-21 October.

Larsen, Jon Martin and Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Words Count: Unpacking inclusive language in local action plans towards LGBT+. Paper accepted for presentation at the European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA) conference. Prague, 20-23 September.

Kaun, Anne; Larsson, Anders Olof and Masso, Anu (2023). Automating Public Administration: Citizens’ Experiences with Automated Decision-Making Across Three Welfare Regimes. Paper accepted for the 73rd Annual ICA Conference. Toronto, Canada, 25-29 May.

Strand, Cecilia; Larsson, Anders Olof and Svensson, Jakob (2023). Understanding Twitter-logics at the margins – an analysis of the Ugandan LGBT+ community’s performative activism. Paper accepted for the 73rd Annual ICA Conference. Toronto, Canada, 25-29 May.

Svensson, Jakob; Larsson, Anders Olof and Strand, Cecilia (2023). Who relates to whom and according to which rationale? Stratification and meaning negotiation in the Ugandan LGBT+ organization ecology on Twitter. Paper accepted for the 73rd Annual ICA Conference. Toronto, Canada, 25-29 May.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Participant in roundtable: Argumentation in Public Policy: Communication between Science, Media and Policymakers. Held at the COST Action 17132 APPLY – Closing conference & Management Committee meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.

Kaun, Anne; Masso, Anu and Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Towards a Theory of Basic Values in Artificial Intelligence: Comparative Factor Analysis in Estonia, Germany, and Sweden. Presentation at the 5th Nordic Challenges Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1-3.

Askanius, Tina; Kaun, Anne; Larsson, Anders Olof and Brock, Maria (2022). “Time to abandon Swedish women”: Discursive connections between (violent) misogyny and white supremacy in Sweden. Paper accepted for the 72nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Paris, France, may 26-30. 

Lauvås, P., Raaen, K. and Larsson, A.O. (2021). Are you one of us?: How Employers Prioritize among IT GraduatesSIGITE ’21: Proceedings of the 22st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education.

Askanius, T., Kaun, A., Brock, M. & Larsson, A.O. (2021). Violent misogyny in ‘the most feminist country in the world’: Discursive connections between male supremacy and white supremacy in Sweden. Presentation to be held at the NordMedia2021 conference. Reykjavik, august 18-20.

Gustafsson, N., Holmberg, N., Weinryb, N., Gullberg, C., & Larsson, A.O. (2021). Emotional Expressions on Swedish Fundraising Organizations’ Social Media Pages, 2010-2020: The Attention Economy of Emojis. Presentation to be held at the NordMedia2021 conference. Reykjavik, august 18-20.

Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). The Democratic Success of Twitter as a Lobbying tool. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 21st EUPRERA Annual Congress. Zagreb, Croatia, september 26-28. Best paper award.

Rustad, Gry Cecilie and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Quantitative Reception Aesthetics: A case study of Instagram “Skamdom”. Abstract accepted for presentation at SSC2019, Glasgow, june 29-30.

Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Twitter, Lobbying and Democracy. Abstract accepted for presentation at ICA 2019 postconference Lobbying: Communicative Power and Transnational Contexts, Washington, DC, may 2019.

Rustad, Gry Cecilie and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Spreading Skam: Social media television reception and textual engagement. Paper accepted for presentation at the 69th annual ICA Conference, Washington, DC, may 2019.

Rustad, Gry Cecilie and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Watching Instagram: Reception and Textual Engagement on Instagram. Abstract accepted for presentation at the Society For Cinema and Media Studies conference, Seattle, march 13-17.

Rustad, Gry Cecilie and Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Spreading Skam. Social media television reception and textual engagement. Abstract accepted for presentation at the 7th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Lugano, Switzerland, october 31-november 3.

Rustad, Gry Cecilie and Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Re-thinking Reception Studies and Textual Engagement in the Era of Social Media. Paper accepted for presentation as part of the Taking stock, Catching up, Moving forward: Reflections on TV Scholarship in TVIV panel held during the Critical Studies in Television Conference – State of Play: Television Scholarship in ‘TVIV’. Ormskirk, UK, 5-7 september.

Karlsen, Faltin and and Larsson, Anders Olof (2017). Dealing with digital disturbances. Paper to be presented at the NordMedia 2017 conference, Tampere, Finland, 17-19 august.

Van den Bulck, Hilde and Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). ‘There’s a Starman waiting in the Sky’: Mourning David #Bowie on Twitter. Paper presented at Internet Research 17, Berlin, 6-8 october.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2016). Participant in roundtable: The Power of Digital Research. Other participants: Christian SandvigAniko HannakJean BurgessAngela WuEszter Hargittai and Homero Gil de Zúñiga. Roundtable accepted for presentation at the ICA 2016 conference, “Communicating with Power”. To be held in Fukuoka, Japan, 9-13 june.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). Presentation for roundtable: ‘Black Box’ Data and ‘Flying Furball’ Networks: Challenges and Opportunities in Doing and Communicating Social Media Analytics. Internet Research 16 conference, held in Phoenix, AZ, October 21-24 2015.

Russmann, Uta and Larsson, Anders Olof (2015). (Non)Diffusion of Social Media in Austria’s Top 500 Companies. Paper to be presented at Expanding Communication: Old Boundaries and New Frontiers (ICA Regional Conference). Łódź, Poland, 9-11 march.

Moe, Hallvard and Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). More important than ever or outdated relics? Research Ethics Committees and Big Data Research. Presentation for the Researching Social Media – Ethical and methodological challenges panel, held at the 62nd annual ICA Conference. Phoenix, AZ, 24-28 may 2012. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Snowing, Freezing… Tweeting? Organizational Twitter use during crisis. Presentation for the Social Media and Crisis Communication panel, held at Internet Research 12.0: Performance and Participation. Seattle, WA, 10-13 october 2011. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Ågerfalk, Pär (2011). Right on Track? Corporate Twitter Use Under Pressure. Paper presented at the Nordic Academy of Management conference. Stockholm, Sweden 22-24 august 2011.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Organizations online – Allowing or hindering audience interactions? Presentation to be held at the Nordic Academy of Management PhD Workshop. Vaxholms Kastell, Stockholm, Sweden 20-21 august 2011.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Twitter use by SJ during the 2010 holiday season. Paper presented at the NordMedia 2011 conference. Akureyri, Iceland 11-13 August 2011. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Online interactivity – reproducing or challenging structure? Presentation at the 2011 Summer Doctoral Programme, Oxford Internet Institute. Oxford, july 11-22 2011. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2011). Online interactivity – Four ongoing studies. Paper presented at the Doctoral Consortium of the Communication and Technology Division of the International Communication Association. Boston, MA, 25 may 2011. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2010). Institutional use of online interactivity. Presentation held at the Organizations and Society in Information Systems (OASIS) workshop preceding the 2010 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2010). St. Louis, MI, 12 december 2010. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2010). Interactivity in society – A research agenda. Paper presented at the Doctoral Consortium at the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2010). Pretoria, South Africa, 4-6 june 2010. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof and Hrastinski, Stefan (2009). Blogs and Blogging: Current trends and future directions. Paper presented at the Internet Research 10.0 – Internet: Critical conference. Milwaukee, WI, 8-10 october 2009. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2009). Studies on interactivity. Presentation at the Doctoral colloquium at Internet Research 10.0 – Internet: Critical. Milwaukee, WI, 7 october 2009. Slides available here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2007). Blogging in Sweden. A Habermasian analysis. Paper presented at NordMedia 2007 conference. Helsinki, Finland, 16-19 august 2007.

Theses (Back to the top)

Larsson, Anders Olof (2012). Doing things in relation to machines – Studies on online interactivity. Doctoral thesis, defended on may 16th. Available here or here.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2007). Masters thesis in media studies – Available here (in Swedish).

Awards (Back to the top)

Best paper award during the EUPRERA 2019 conference – awarded for “The Democratic Success of Twitter as a Lobbying Tool” (co-authored with Øyvind Ihlen and Ketil Raknes).

Recipient of the 2013 Börje Langefors Award for Best Swedish PhD Thesis in Information Systems/Informatics defended during 2012.

Recipient of the 2011-2012 FSMK Doctoral Dissertation Award by The Swedish association for media and communication research.

PhD Dissertation shortlisted among the top five nominees for the 2013 Herbert S. Dordick Dissertation Award.

Recipient of the 2013 Stand-Out Reviewer Award during Internet Research 14.0.

Review work (Back to the top)

Spring 2024: Reviewer of research proposal submitted to Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

Spring 2019: Reviewer of research proposal submitted to The Velux Foundation.

Spring 2018: Reviewer of research proposal submitted to FWO (Flanders Research Foundation).

Autumn 2017: Reviewer of research proposals submitted to Vinnova – MediaTech.

Spring 2017: Reviewer of research proposal submitted to the Czech Science Foundation.

Spring 2017: Reviewer of research proposal submitted to the ‘Accelerating Scientific Discovery in the Arts and Humanities (ADAH)’ call organised by the Netherlands eScience Center and the Dutch CLARIAH program for digital Arts and Humanities.

Spring 2016: Reviewer of research proposal submitted to FWO (Flanders Research Foundation).

Reviewer of Analysing Social Media Data and Web Networks by Cantijoch, Gibson and Ward (eds.). Preprint available at and on ResearchGate. Information Polity 20 (2,3).

Reviewer of Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice by Nick Couldry. Published in European Journal of Communication, 30 (3). Pre-print version available at and ResearchGate.

Reviewer of Connecting Democracy: Online Consulation and the Flow of Political Communicationpublished in European Journal of Communication 28 (4). The submitted version of the review is available here.

Course literature reviewer for BI Norwegian Business School.

Journal proposal reviewer – Social Media and Society – for SAGE Publications.

Book proposal reviewer for a book on “Data Visualization with MS Office” for SAGE Publications.

I serve as reviewer for the following journals (presented in alphabetical order):

  • Annals of the International Communication Association
  • Aslib Proceedings
  • Big Data & Society
  • Brazilian Political Science Review
  • Communications – The European Journal of Communication Research
  • Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies
  • Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media
  • Digital Journalism
  • European Journal of Communication
  • European Politics and Society
  • European Union Politics
  • First Monday
  • Information, Communication & Society
  • Information Polity
  • International Journal of Communication
  • International Journal of E-Politics
  • International Journal of Internet Science
  • International Journal of Press/Politics
  • Journal of Applied Communication Research
  • Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
  • Journal of Communication
  • Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
  • Journal of Information Technology
  • Journal of Information Technology & Politics
  • Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research
  • Journal of Language and Politics
  • Journal of Media Innovations
  • Journal of Political Marketing
  • Journalism: Theory, practice and criticism
  • Journalism Practice
  • Journalism Studies
  • Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
  • Journalistica
  • Media and Communication 
  • Media International Australia
  • New Media & Society
  • Nordicom Review
  • Northern Lights
  • Observatorio
  • Policy & Internet
  • Political Behaviour
  • Political Communication
  • Politics and Governance
  • Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture
  • SAGE Open
  • Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
  • Scandinavian Political Studies
  • Social Media + Society
  • Social Science Computer Review
  • The Information Society
  • The International Journal of Press/Politics
  • The Internet and Higher Education

I serve as reviewer for the following conferences:

  • Association for Information Systems Conference (AMCIS)
  • CeDEM – International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government
  • Communities & Technologies – C&T 2011
  • ECIS
  • Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
  • ICA
  • Interact
  • The International Symposium on Media Innovations
  • Internet Research
  • Mindtrek
  • The Scandinavian Workshop on E-Government
  • The European Conference on Information Systems
  • The 2013 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2013)
  • The 23rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2012)
  • Program chair member, Social Media & Society 2016-2017

Editorial work et.c. (Back to the top)

Editor of special issue (with Shelley Boulianne) on Comparative Digital Political Communication: Comparisons Across Countries, Platforms, and Time. Published in 2024 in Social Science Computer Review.

Arranger (together with Shelley Boulianne and Mireille Lalancette) of the Comparative Digital Political Communication: Comparisons Across Countries, Platforms, and Time preconference, to be held before ICA 2023 in Toronto, Canada. 24 may, 2023.

Editorial board member, New Media & Society, 2022 –

Editorial board member, Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 2021 –

Editorial board member, Nordicom Review, 2018 –

Editorial board member, Media and Communication, 2018 -2020

Editorial board member, Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 2018 –

Editorial board member, The Journal of Media Innovations, 2016 –

Editorial board member, Social Media + Society, 2015 –

Editorial assistant for The Journal of Media Innovations, 2014-2015

Member of program committee, 3rd European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science: Polarization and Radicalization. Zurich, Switzerland, 2-4 september.

Member of program committee, 10th International Conference on Social Media & Society, Toronto, Canada, 19-21 july 2019.

Member of program committee, 2018 European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, Cologne, Germany, 5-7 december.

Member of program committee, 9th International Conference on Social Media & Society, Copenhagen, Denmark, 18-20 july 2018.

Member of program committee, 2017 European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, London, UK, 15-17 november.

Member of program committee, 3rd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium 2016, Cologne, 30 nov-1 dec.

Editor of special issue (with Sven Engesser and Nayla Fawzi) on populist politics online. Published in May 2017 in Information, Communication & Society.

Chair for paper session on “Journalism and Social Media” during the 2016 International Communication Association (ICA) conference, “Communicating with Power”.

Leader of the fACT research group at Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication & Technology, april 2016 ->

Member of Program Committee for the 2016 Social Media & Society Conference

Panel organizer (with Axel Bruns) for the Internet Research 16 conference, to be held in Phoenix, AZ, October 21-24 2015. Adoption and Adaptation: Diachronic Perspectives on the Growing Sophistication of Social Media Uses in Elections Campaigns. Panel participants: Anders Olof Larsson, Axel Bruns, Tim Highfield, Jennifer Stromer-Galley and Luca Rossi.

Roundtable organizer (with Axel Bruns) for the Internet Research 16 conference, to be held in Phoenix, AZ, 21-24 2015. ‘Black Box’ Data and ‘Flying Furball’ Networks: Challenges and Opportunities in Doing and Communicating Social Media Analytics. Roundtable participants: Anders Olof Larsson, Axel Bruns, Katrin Weller and Kate Crawford.

Guest editor for the The Journal of Media Innovations 2 (1).

Responsible (with Eli Skogerbø) for arranging the Political uses of Social Media – Five European Perspectives panel, to be held at the ECREA 2014 conference. Lisboa, Portugal, 12-15 november. The panel will feature presentations from myself, Hallvard MoeMaurice Vergeer, Uta Russmann, Ulrike Klinger and Luca Rossi.

Organizer for the Comparative Perspectives on Social Media in Political Communication workshop, held during the 5th Annual International Conference on Democracy as Idea and Practice, Oslo, 8-9 january 2014.

Editor for The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics together with Axel Bruns, Eli Skogerbø, Christian Christensen and Gunn Enli.

Responsible (with Hallvard Moe) for arranging a nordic workshop on the methodological and ethical challenges of Internet Research, to be held in Oslo on november 20-21, 2014.

Chair (together with Jakob Svensson) for the Political Communication division during the Nordmedia 2013 and Nordmedia 2015 conferences.

Responsible (with Hallvard Moe) for arranging the Challenging online research: Insights from across the field panel, held at the 63rd annual ICA Conference. London, UK, 17-21 june 2013. The panel featured presentations by Peter Mechant, Anja Bechmann and Michael Karlsson. Maria Bakardjieva served as discussant.

Responsible (with Hallvard Moe) for arranging the Researching Social Media – Methodological and Ethical Challenges panel, held at the 62nd annual ICA Conference. Phoenix, AZ, 24-28 may 2012. The panel featured presentations by Michael ZimmerEszter HargittaiCornelius PuschmannJean BurgessAxel Bruns and Merja MahrtZizi Papacharissi served as discussant.

Associate editor for the Social Computing and Collaboration track at ECIS 2012

Member of Programme Committee for the Mindtrek 2012 conference

Professional memberships (Back to the top)

2022-2024 – Member of Tableau for teaching Instructor Advisory Council

2019 and onwards – Member of the FWO extended pool of panel members

Association of Internet Researchers, European Communication Research and Education AssociationInternational Communication AssociationDECIDIS research network

Invited talks, writings (Back to the top)

Larsson, Anders Olof (2024). Politiska hashtags i Sverige 2010-2022 – mot en allt tydligare polarisering. Guest lecture at Åbo Akademi i Vasa, Finland. April 17th.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Herr och Fru Larkins tar emot på Instagram. Valganalyse 2023, Høyskolen Kristiania / Altinget.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2023). Death of a Platform? A longitudinal and comparative study of political party Twitter use in Scandinavia. Presentation at the Political Communication & Journalism Research Group, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam. Amsterdam, March 15th.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Why we should all be 20th century physics scholars… sort of. Invited talk for the Populism, Polarisation, Propaganda in Times of Crisis: Tackling Core Challenges of the Digital Society Symposium, arranged by the University of Zürich and Queensland University of Technology. Zürich, October 28th. 

Larsson, Anders Olof (2022). Kritik mot Socialdemokraterna ger framgång på Facebook. Contribution to the Snabbtänkt report (eds. Niklas Bolin, Kajsa Falasca, Marie Grusell & Lars Nord).

Keynote presentation – ““Anger is an Energy” – Exploring the influence of Facebook Reactions on Political post sharing” – for the research project Political Interest Networks in Facebook Portugal / ICNOVA (Communication Institute of NOVA University of Lisbon). NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal, held on september 16th, 2022.

Social media analysis – possibilities and pitfalls. Research Process Seminar held for the University of Bournemouth. Bournemouth, UK / online, april 19th, 2022.

Breakfast seminar on data collection and analysis using R and Tableau. IDEAS Lab, held on february 11, 2022.

Studying politics and news on social media – current opportunities for data collection. Seminar at the Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University. Held on december 2, 2021.

Current opportunities for social media data collection. Seminar at the Department of Strategic Communication, Lund University. Held on november 22, 2021.

”Win a sweater with the PM’s face on it” – A longitudinal study of Norwegian party Facebook engagement strategies. Invited monthly virtual speaker, Center for Computational and Data Sciences at the iSchool at Syracuse University. Held on november 18, 2021.

Doing research on social media – current opportunities for data collection and analysis. Invited presentation for the Nordic Network of Religion, Media and Populism (NOREMPO) meeting, august 23, 2021.

A few thoughts about academic publishing. Invited talk at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society. Held on september 3, 2020.

Swedish right-wingers on Facebook during the initial phases of Covid-19. Invited talk for the REDEM Seminar – Extremist responses to Covid19 – Mobilizations in and around Sweden. Arranged online by REDEM, Malmö University. Video available here.

Lunch seminar speaker, POLKOM – Senter for studier av politisk kommunikasjon, University of Oslo – A Decade of Political Communication on Facebook – Explorative Insights from Europe . Held on january 27, 2020.

Invited participant of the AoIR Early Career Scholars Workshop preceding the 2019 Association of Internet Researchers Conference. Brisbane, Australia, october 2, 2019.

Weizenbaum Lecture – “Right- Wingers on the rise online – Insights from the 2018 Swedish elections”. Held at the Weizenbaum Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft, Berlin, september 17, 2019.

“Bubble talk” for research group 14: News, Campaigns and the Rationality of Public Discourse at the Weizenbaum Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft – “Using CrowdTangle for research and teaching purposes”. Held on september 16, 2019.

Research Fellow, Weizenbaum Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft, Berlin, september 2019

Member of management committee for COST Action CA 17132 – APPLY – European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis, 2019 –

Invited speaker at Democracy Reporting International / Supporting Democracy working Group: methodology for social media monitoring during elections. Brussels, feb 21-22, 2019. Resulting guide available here.

Invited speaker at the National Archives of Norway – “Analys av politikers användning av sociala medier”. Held on december 10, 2018.

Guest lecturer for executive master programme on Digital Communication Management, BI Norwegian Business School. 2017-2019. 2019 lecture available here – part 1, part 2 and part 3.

Lunch seminar speaker, POLKOM – Senter for studier av politisk kommunikasjon, University of Oslo – “Fear and Loathing on Facebook? Tracking the Rise of Populism and Platformization in Viral Political Facebook Posts”. Held on november 26, 2018.

Invited speaker at alumni event organised by the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala university, november 2018.

Larsson, Anders Olof (2018). Vem vann valet – på Facebook? Contribution to the Snabbtänkt report (eds. Lars Nord, Marie Grusell, Niklas Bolin, Kajsa Falasca).

Invited participant to the Cut the bullshit! Communication, populism and electoral choice in the new §media environment conference. To be held in Villa La Collina – Cadenabbia, Italy, june 20-22 2018.

Invited guest lecturer, University of Antwerpen, march 22-23 2018.

Invited guest lecturer, Vienna University of Applied Sciences for Management and Communication (Fhwien der Wkw), february 19-22 2018.

Guest lecturer for executive master programme on Digital Communication Management, BI Norwegian Business School. Held on november 27, 2017

Guest speaker at the fifth International Workshop on Political Communication, organized by the Political Communication Research Group at Université Laval. To be held in Québec City, Canada, april 21-22, 2017.

Invited guest speaker at DECIDIS Open Lecture on Democracy and citizenship in digital society. To be held at the IT University of Copenhagen, march 21, 2017.

Guest lecture for the higher seminar at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg. Held on march 8, 2017.

Lunch seminar speaker, POLKOM – Senter for studier av politisk kommunikasjon, University of Oslo – “Skiing all the way to the polls – Exploring the popularity of personalized posts on Norwegian political Instagram accounts”. Held on february 27, 2017.

Guest lecture for the higher seminar at the Department of Media Studies, Stockholm University.  Held on December 8, 2016.

Invited guest lecturer at Department of Communication StudiesUniversità di Urbino Carlo Bo, November 2016.

Invited panelist for panel on “What type of media professionals will be needed in the future?”. To be held at Norsk Medieforskerkonferense 2016 (Norwegian Media Research conference). Bergen, October 20-21.

Invited talk at the “Re/Constructing Politics through Social & Online Media: Interfaces & Synergies in Research Agendas & Problem-Oriented Analyses” symposium, organized by Michal Krzyzanowski of Örebro University. To be held in Stockholm on June 20-21, 2016.

Invited panelist on digital methods at the yearly meeting of the Swedish Association for Media and Communication Research (FSMK). To be held in Karlstad on may 18-19, 2016.

Norsk valgkamp 2015 på Tvitter og Instagram. Presentation for the Sosiale medier – den nye politiske maktfaktoren? seminar. Litteraturhuset, Oslo, february 9 2016.

Invited lecture on political social media use in Scandinavia, School of Library and Information Science, University of Iowa. Held on december 3, 2015.

Invited talks on digital methods at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Held on November 18th, 2015 and October 18th, 2016.

Invited talk on digital methods at The Department of Geography, Media and Communication, Karlstad University. To be held on october 13, 2015.

Invited talk for the Social Media Studies group, University of Borås. To be held on september 14th, 2015.

Expert assessment of research project for the Research Beyond the Ivory Tower – Training for University Teams program, hosted by the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.

Comparing to Prepare – Suggesting Ways To Study Social Media Today – and Tomorrow. First issue “Manifesto” for Social Media + Society 1 (1).

Velgerjakt på nett – Valgkamp i sosiale medier. Invited talk at X-IMK Fagdag. 

Introduction piece for the Journal of Media Innovations 2 (1), to be published on february 28th, 2015.

Reviewer of Analysing Social Media Data and Web Networks by Cantijoch, Gibson and Ward (eds.). To be published in Information Polity.

Reviewer of Media, Society, World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice by Nick Couldry. Published in European Journal of Communication 30 (3). Pre-print version available at and ResearchGate.

Participant in the New Perspectives on Populist Political Communication Workshop and Launch Event of the COST Early Stage Researchers Think Tank. Zurich, Switzerland, january 26-30, 2015. Presentation available here.

Invited lecture for bachelor students taking the class “New Media” at Volda University College, fall 2014.

Presenter at DIATA 14 – Developing Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twitter Analysis. Workshop to be held in Cologne during fall 2014.

Skandinaviska perspektiv på politiker online – under och utanför valperioder. Presenter at the higher seminar, DEMICOM, Mid Sweden University. To be held on november 27th, 2014.

Politiker på sociala medier – utanför och under valperioder. Invited talk for Norsk Kommunikasjonsforening (Norwegian Communication Association). To be held in Lillehammer on october 16, 2014

(Non-)Learning Online Practices – Politicians and Citizens on Social Media. Keynote presentation for the Unintentional Learning in Digital Spaces multidisciplinary symposium organized by The Research School in Technology-Mediated Knowledge Processes, held in Falun, Sweden on october 15-16, 2014.

#val2010 vs. #val2014 – Två svenska val på sociala medier. Presentation at the Sociala Medier, Journalistik & Svenska Valet 2014 – #VemsVal14? seminar, Stockholm university, october 9th, 2014. Video here

Discussant for Humanistisk helaften, panel on the social media use by politicians. To be held on september 18th, 2014.

”Big Data” – Forskningsetiska och metodologiska problemområden. Presentation on ethical and methodological issues of “Big Data” research for FAFO. Held on june 13th, 2014

As in Norway, so also in Sweden? Longitudinal and comparative efforts to the study of political social media use. Presentation for the higher seminar at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, held on march 13th, 2014.

Political Communication Online – examples from Norway and Sweden.Presentation for the higher seminar at the Department for Media and CommunicationKarlstad University. Held on february 19th, 2014. Slides available here.

Comparing Political Uses of Social Media in the Scandinavian Countries. Presentation for the Digital Media & Communication Research Group at the IT University of Copenhagen. Held on november 13th, 2013. Slides available here.

Political Social Media Use During the 2013 Norwegian Elections. Presentation for the higher seminar at the Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University. To be held on november 4th.

Att studera “Stora Data” – Etiska och metodologiska ställningstaganden. Talk at the National Committees for Research Ethics in Norway. Held on october 7th, 2013. Slides available here.

Twitterbruk under valgkampen. Föredrag för Kommunikasjonsforeningen i Bergen (med Hallvard Moe). Held on October 1, 2013. Slides available here.

Partiledarna på Twitter – Megafon eller Kommunikation? Presentation at Litteraturhuset, Oslo on september 5th.

Presentation on the PhD dissertation process for the Swedish research school of Management and Information Technology spring meeting. Lund, Sweden, may 28, 2013. Slides available here.

Bots or Humans? A large-scale analysis of news linking on Twitter. Paper presented during the Mapping The Digital News Ecosystems: Professional Journalism, New Producers And Active Audiences In The Digital Public Sphere workshop, held in Barcelona, Spain, may 8-11, 2013. Slides available here.

Studying political social media use: insights from Scandinavia. Presentation at MICT – Research Group for Media and ICTs, Ghent University. Held on october 2, 2012

“Don’t Believe the Hype” – Assessing Twitter use in Professional Contexts. To be published in the september 2012 issue of Mercury Magazine. Available here (pdf).

Challenging or reproducing structures? (Non-)use of online interactivity. Presentation at the Department of Informatics, Umeå University. Held on february 29, 2012.

Studying social media. Methodological and ethical challenges. Presentation at qumu, qualitative methods network at Umeå University. Held on february 28, 2012.

Politisk twitterbruk i Skandinavia og demokratisk betydning. Presentation at NETworked 2012 – Små grep og store endringer: hvordan realisere sosiale mediers X-potensial. Oslo, Norway. Held on january 24, 2012. Visualization of talk by Esther Buchmann.

Sociala medier – möjligheter och risker. Presentation at Uppsala senioruniversitet (Uppsala university of the third age), held on december 13, 2011. Slides available here.

Understanding use (and non-use) of online interactivity. Presentation at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, held on december 6, 2011

Researching social media. Presentation at the Social Media and Information Practices Workshop. Held at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of Borås, on november 10-11, 2011

SJ på Twitter. Presentation for SJ, the National Swedish Railway operator. Held on october 24, 2011.

#val2010 – riksdagsvalet 2010 på Twitter. Presentation at Social Media Club Uppsala, held on september 20, 2011. Slides available here.

Twitter use during the 2010 Swedish election – and beyond. Presentation at DIATA11 – Düsseldorf Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twitter Analysis, held on september 14, 2011. Slides available here.

Twitter use in Scandinavian politics. Presentation at Copenhagen Business School, held on march 22, 2011. Slides available here.

Organizations online – How do they use their web presences? Presentation at the School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, NJ, USA, held on february 16, 2011.

The 2010 Swedish election (and beyond) – Two ongoing research projects. Presentation at the School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, NJ, USA, held on january 28, 2011. Slides available here.

Interaktivitet på svenska tidningars hemsidor. Presentation at Uppsala Learning Lab, held on november 24, 2010. Slides (in Swedish) available here.

Online newspapers and interactivity. Presentation at the Media Management and Transformation Centre, Jönköping International Business School, held on november 22, 2010. Slides available here.

Partierna på nätet – före, under och efter valet 2010. Presentation at Internetdagarna 2010, held on october 26, 2010. Broadcast on Swedish television, available on YouTube and iTunes. Slides (in Swedish) available here.

Sociala medier och interaktivitet på tidningars hemsidor. Presentation at the RIS (Redaktörer i samverkan) conference, Uppsala University. october 8, 2010. Slides available here.

Nettavisenes interaktive funksjoner – fra avisenes og lesernes perspektiv. Presentation held for the The Media, ICT and Cultural Policy Research Group at the University of Bergen, Norway. september 14, 2010. Slides available here.

Besökartyper på Presentation held for the Interactive media group at Aftonbladet. may 7, 2010. Slides (in Swedish) available here.

Media appearances (in reverse chronological order) (Back to the top)

Høiby, Ellen (2023). Facebooks Favorittpolitikere: – Boomer-medium. Interview for KOM24, published September 5th.

Hordvin Johnsen, Juni (2023). Han vil vinne valget via TikTok. Forsker er kritisk. Interview for TV2 Nyheter, published September 5th.

Egge Brønseth, Isak (2023). Flere aktører uttaler seg om omstridt praksis: – Har brent oss på dette før. Interview for KOM24, published July 14th. 

Zeiner Sending Larsen, Emilie (2023). Aurora (20) unngår nyheter: – Jo mer jeg leser, desto mer engstelig blir jeg. Interview for Nordlys, published May 6th. 

Andersson, Harald (2023). Svenskar ljumna till AI i offentlig förvaltning. Vetenskapsradion nyheter, published May 31.

Södertörns Högskola (2023). More public-sector decisions are being made by AI—but what do people think about this?, published May 22.

Furuseth, Karima (2023). – Politikere er naive når det kommer til Tiktok. Interview for Morgenbladet, published on January 20 (pdf)

Crona, Malin (2022). ”Jag visste inte att det fanns ett sådant hat mot facket”. Interview for Arbetsvärlden, published on October 3. 

Kallelid, Magnus and Solås Suvatne, Steinar (2022). Mener Facebook kan hindre Giske. Interview for Dagbladet, published on September 28.

Høimoen, Asgeir and Haugen, Eli J (2022). Ekspert om kommunens håndtering: – Det er nesten så man blir litt mistenksom (pdf). Interview for Hamar Arbeiderblad, published on september 22. 

Rømo Grande, Tove (2022). Innvandring og negative holdninger engasjerer mest i sosiale medier., published on June 18.

Bossetta, Michael (2022). Comparing Digital Political Communication across Countries and Time. Interview for the Social Media and Politics podcast.

Lyngstad Wernø, Ida (2022). Frustrerte forskere vil ha mer Facebook-data. Morgenbladet. Interview published march 25.

Lindbäck, Elisabeth (2022). Kritik mot V-politiker efter försvarsfrågor på Twitter. Expressen. Interview published on march 7.

Oppelstrup Juelsen, Christina (2021). Denne menigheten går nye veier: –⁠ Vi ser at det fungerer. Drammens Tidende. Interview published on april 30. 

Stormyren Larsen, Selma (2021). De rømmer redaktørene. Klassekampen. Interview published on february 23.

Farbrot, Audun (2020). Lite penger? Bruk Twitter til å påvirke politikerne. Story published on, july 25.

Jakobsen, Siv Ellen; Amundsen, Bård; Kvittingen, Ida & Biørnstad, Lasse (2020). Slik rammer koronaviruset forskningen. Story published on, march 20th.

Kvittingen, Ida (2020). Hvilke nyheter deler vi mest i sosiale medier? Story published on, march 20th.

Ekeli Mullis, Magnus (2018). Ekspertene delte om Wiraks Facebook-stopp. Interview in Stavanger Aftenblad, november 23, 2018. Pdf available here.

Riis Hallås, Ådne (2018). Frp på Facebook. Interview on Norwegian radio P2, july 16, 2018.

Riis Hallås, Ådne (2018). Høyre på Instagram. Interview on Norwegian radio P2, july 10, 2018.

Løtveit, Håkon (2018). – Nå kommer politikere til å tenke seg mer om. Interview on Norwegian radio P4, march 20th, 2018.

Jerijervi, Dag Robert (2018). Listhaug og Teigen ble sett på som Facebook-stjerner: – Har latt seg forlokke og forlede. Interview in Kampanje, published on march 16th, 2018.

Engström, Emma & Benaissa, Mina (2017). Mode, böcker och politik – så blev kulturministern stor på Instagram. Interview on Swedish radio, broadcast on december 18th, 2017.

Lindi, Marte (2017). Derfor fikk disse plaggene internett til å koke. Interview for NRK Finnmark, published online on october 22, 2017.

Sandvik, Siv (2017). Radio feature regarding the use of social media by Norwegian politicians. Broadcast on NRK radio P1 on july 19.

Journalism Research News (2017). Which social media posts by newsrooms gather most likes and comments? Article featuring the research paper The News User on Social Media – A comparative study of interacting with media organizations on Facebook and Instagram.

Gotaas Torvik, Yngvild & Grønli Åm, Ingrid (2017) Islamkritikk på deletoppenKlassekampen june 9th.

Journalism Research News (2017). News sharing on Facebook and Twitter. Article featuring the research paper Understanding News Sharing across Social Media – Detailing distribution on Facebook and Twitter. Published online on april 5th.

Journalism Research News (2017). More transparency is needed in moderation. Article featuring the research paper User Experiences with Editorial Control in Online Newspaper Comment Fields. Published online on march 16th.

Jacobsson, Robert (2017). 😉 eller ❤ ger olika effekter på delningar och kommentarer på Facebookposter. Available at

Lavik, Maria (2016). Mislik og del. Klassekampen, december 28th. Available here (pdf).

Gilberg, Lars (2016). Følelsen av at fakta er feil. Vårt Land, december 6th. Available here (pdf).

Skarsgård, Marianne L. (2016). Nyhetene som deles mest på Facebook., december 5th.

Amdahl, Pernille (2016). Sinte nyheter deles mest. Interview on NRK public service radio regarding news sharing on social media. Broadcast december 5th.

Eckblad, Bjørn (2016). «Sinte» nyheter deles mest på Facebook. Feature on news sharing on social media in Dagens Næringsliv, december 5th. Available here (pdf).

Journalism Research News (2016). Elite interaction on Twitter. Article featuring the research paper Elite interaction – PSB use of Twitter during national elections in Norway and Sweden. Published online on october 5th.

Valle, Josefine (2016). Produsere, kuratere, publisere. Interview in Krea magazine – Gullkalven 2016.

Sandvik, Siv, Tvegård, Anders and Sællman, Siv Kristin (2016). Sylvis Verden. Interview with NRK regarding the use of social media by populist politicians.

Journalism Research News (2016). Audience not interest in offered news. Article featuring the research paper  ”I SHARED THE NEWS TODAY, OH BOY” – News provision and interaction on Facebook. Published online on march 10.

Nilsson Ridola, Hilde (2016). Interview regarding social media use during the 2015 Norwegian Elections. Broadcast on radio NRK Østlandssendningen on february 9.

Skogstrøm, Lene (2015). Myndighetene tar i bruk sterke, digitale virkemidler mot radikalisering. Interviewed together with Unn Conradi Andersen regarding web portal to help against radicalization of youth. Published in Aftenposten on november 18.

Irenius, Lisa (2015). Sju anledningar att förhålla sig kritiskt till sociala medier. Research on right-wing extremists on Twitter featured in Svenska Dagbladet.

Thonhaugen, Markus (2015). Slik unngår du å bli lurt på sosiale medier. Interview for NRK Nordland regarding fake online news.

Skjeseth, Alf & Storøy Elnan, Thea (2015). Hatet ulmer. Interview for Klassekampen regarding online hate speech in the wake of the july 22 terror attacks in Oslo.

Interview for Stavanger Aftenblad regarding social media use by professional athletes.

Letmark, Peter (2014). Twitter förändrar demokratin. Feature regarding research on social media use during the 2014 Swedish elections. Dagens Nyheter, october 8th.

Kalsnes, Bente (2014). Politisk digitalseier (pdf). Feature regarding my research on permanent uses of social media by political actors, featured in Morgenbladet, september 26th.

Invited discussant regarding 2014 Swedish elections at Salongen, broadcast on NRK P2, september 11, 2014

Torgersen, Hans O. (2014). Twitter-krigen raser for fullt. Interview regarding uses of social media in the Gaza strip conflict. Published in Aftenposten.

Yildirim, Siran Øzalp (2014). Politiker, sosiale medier og pressen. Interview regarding uses of social media by politicians. Broadcast on NRK P2 on july 4th. Available here.

Interviewed by Dagbladet (on june 24, 2014) regarding online political satire.

Danielsen, Steinar André (2014). Disse øyeblikkene fikk mest oppmerksomhet på Twitter. Interview by Verdens Gang (on june 24, 2014) regarding social media use during the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Discussant regarding journalism and politics online, Radio Nova, broadcast on april 10, 2014. Available here.

Interview for NRK Møre og Romsdal regarding Norwegian municipalities on Facebook, broadcast on january 28th, 2014.

Interview for Finnish YLE Radio regarding fake social media profiles, broadcast on january 20th, 2014.

Interview regarding politicians on Facebook for NRK Dagsrevyen, broadcast on november 27, 2013.

Erlingsen, Hilde (2013). Frp vinner kampen om Facebook. Interview for NRK Østfold, published on november 27.

Svår balansgång för politikerna. Interview in Västerbottens-Kuriren, november 14, 2013

Dvergsdal, Henrik (2013). Vil forske på det du legger igjen på nettet. Interview for, october 16.

Severinsen, Johanne (2013). Det er ikke størrelsen det kommer an på. Featured in blog post by The National Committees for Research Ethics in Norway, october 11.

Bisgaard, Anders B (2013). “- Twitter er et minglereir”. Featured in Kampanje, september 9.

Sved, Børge (2013). Poster fra privatlivet mest pop. Interview in Adresseavisen, september 9. Available here (pdf).

Milder, Julia (2013). Sociala medier allt viktigare i norsk valkampanj. Interview for Swedish Public Service Radio, september 9.

Salvesen, Geir (2013). Flinkiser på Twitter og FB. Interview in Aftenposten, september 5.

Nipen, Kjersti (2013). Lille Venstre er Twitters gigant. Featured in Aftenposten, september 5.

Bisgaard, Anders B (2013). Han er Twitter-Kongen. Interview in Kampanje regarding Twitter use by Norwegian politicians, september 5.

Venås Sivertsen, Eirin (2013). Interview regarding Twitter use by Norwegian politicians in NRK P2 Kulturnytt, september 5. Available here (mp3).

Rognø, Linn Merete (2013). Tøff på Facebook, sjenert på fest. Interview in Dagbladet, published march 19, 2013.

Skagegård, Ellinor (2012). Äkta gillande och rent geschäft. Interview in Uppsala Nya Tidning, published september 23rd, 2012. Available here.

De invloed van sociale media op de verkiezingen. Het Laatste Nieuws (belgian newspaper), published online on september 3, 2012. Available here or here (pdf).

Meyer, Robinson (2012). 9 Concrete, Specific Things We Actually Know About How Social Media Shape Elections. The Atlantic, published online on august 22, 2012. Available here or here (pdf)

Edström, Helena (2012). Glädjedödare med vassa argument. Interview in Universen, issue 4, page 10. Available here or here (pdf)

Löf, Pontus (2012). Sociala medier har inte revolutionerat politisk kommunikation. Interview in Ajour, published online on june 6, 2012. Available here.

Odlander, Johanna (2012). Utebliven dialog på Twitter. Interview in Uppsala Nya Tidning, published may 9, 2012. Available here (pdf scan).

Gunnarsson, Maria (2012). Lokalpolitik på nätet överskattat. Broadcast on SVT ABC, may 8 2012. Available here.

Öhman, Adam (2012). Politiker dåliga att nyttja internet. Interview for 24 UNT, broadcast on may 8, 2012. Available here.

Severin, Malin (2012). Varför sprider vi “Kony 2012”? Interview in Uppsala Nya Tidning, published march 11, 2012.

Bührig, Agnes (2010). Mein Letzter Internetwille – Testament Online. Interview for Deutsche Welle Online, published february 22, 2010. Available here.

Hulth, Annica (2010). Sociala medier i valrörelsen. Interview in Universen (4-2010). Available here (pdf scan).

Lundvik, Peter (2010). När Internet skapas av användarna. Internal magazine for the Uppsala police department. Published february 26, 2010.

Häggström, Hanna (2009). Bloggen – maktfaktorn? Interview for Relation.

Matsson, Katarina (2008). Han sågar tjejernas “ytliga” modebloggar – men forskare håller inte med. Interview in Metro, march 7, 2008. Available here.

Nygren, Else & Larsson, Anders Olof (2010). Vår tids studentrevolt är historiskt dramatisk. Debate article published on, february 25, 2010. Available here.

Pettersson, Bosse (2010). Sociala medier. Interview on Swedish radio, Karlavagnen, october 25, 2010.

Stiernstedt, Jenny (2008). Uppsala – största länet i bloggsverige. Interview in Uppsalatidningen, nr. 13 2008. Available here (pdf, p. 4)

Vowles, Kjell (2010). Internet breddar den politiska debatten – på både gott och ont. Uppsala Fria Tidning, august 18, 2010. Available here.

Westberg, Anna (2008). Experten: Modebloggar vanligast bland unga tjejer. Interview in Metro, february 22, 2008. Available here.

Wiklund, Kalle (2010). Här har man sociala medier på schemat. Interview in Metro, february 9, 2010. Available here.

Other activities (Back to the top)

Fall 2024: Member of committee to assess the master’s degree in media and communication studies at Gothenburg University.

2024-08-27: Commentator Souad El Mghari‘s Work-in-progress seminar

2024-05-08: Commentator for Frederik Møller Henriksen‘s submission seminar

Fall 2023: Expert advisor for  associate professor promotion committee, Nord University.

Spring 2023: Expert advisor for  associate professor promotion committee, Department of Social and Political sciences, Cyprus University.

Fall 2021-Spring 2022: Expert advisor for associate professor hiring committee, Karlstad University.

Fall 2021: Expert advisor, recruiting a professorship for communication and media studies with a focus on methodological innovation, ZeMKI, University of Bremen.

Fall 2021: Pre-examiner of Ph.D. manuscript, University of Turku.

Spring 2021: Expert advisor for associate professor hiring committee, BI Norwegian Business School.

Mentor during the Political Communication PhD Student Preconference preceding the virtual 71st Annual ICA Conference, may 27-31.

Invited respondent for paper All about feelings? Emotions and populist communication as drivers of user engagement with political messages on Facebook (by Anna Bil-Jaruzelska and Cristina Monzer) during the Trondheim Analytica Analyzing Citizen Engagement with European Politics through Social Media workshop. Trondheim / Online, april 15-16. 

Commentator during “50 %” seminar for Tor Anders Bye‘s PhD Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Held on December 7th, 2020.

Fall 2019: Recipient of 1 million NOK in Fyrtårnsmidler to develop pedagogical aides for social media data in teaching situations (with Tor-Morten Grønli and Kjeld Hansen)

Spring 2020: Expert advisor for associate professor hiring committee, BI Norwegian Business School.

Spring 2019: Appointed to docent committee for Södertörn University College.

Spring 2019: Expert advisor for university lecturer hiring committee, Umeå university, Department of Culture and Media Studies.

Mentor during the Doctoral Colloquium preceding the 2018 Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) conference. To be held in Montreal, Canada, 10-14 october.

Participant in Nordic exploratory workshop on Datafication, Digital Inequalities and Data Justice, funded by The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS).

Member of committee scheduled to assess the bachelor’s degree in media and communication studies at Gothenburg University. Late 2017 and early 2018.

Respondent during the third PhD Colloquium organized by the Journalism Studies Division of ICA. Held in conjunction with the 67th Annual ICA conference, San Diego. May 2017.

Seminar holder at PhD course on methods, Department of media studies, Stockholm university. Held in february 2017.

Respondent during the ECREA 2016 Journalism Studies Section PhD-Workshop, held in conjunction with the 6th European Communication Conference (ECREA). Prague, Czech Republic, 9–12 november.

2016: Expert advisor for university lecturer hiring committee, Umeå university, Department of sociology.

Member of the 2016 AOIR Dissertation Award Committee

Commentator during the final seminar for David Gunnar Lorentzen’s PhD Thesis, University of Borås. Held on January 18th, 2016.

Co-arranger of doctoral course in digital methods. Organized with the Centre for Communication and Computing at Copenhagen University. To be held before the NordMedia 2015 conference, Copenhagen, 13-15 august 2015.

Member of reference group for the “Be Democracy” exhibit held at the Nobel Peace Center, Oslo, Norway during 2014.

Participant in the roundtable session for the Twitter and Society book (published by Peter Lang mid-2013). Held at Internet Research 14.0, Denver, Colorado, USA, 23-26 october 2013.

Participant in the Mapping Actor Networks pre-conference workshop, preceding Internet Research 14.0, Denver, Colorado, USA, 23-26 october 2013.

Participant in the Social Media Research Ethics and Methods pre-conference workshop, preceding Internet Research 14.0, Denver, Colorado, USA, 23-26 october 2013.

Participant in the Bridging the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide in Comparative Communication Research: Heading towards Qualitative Comparative Analysis post-conference workshop, to be held after the 63rd annual ICA Conference. London, UK, 17-21 june.

Participant in The Political Communication of Young Citizens through Social Media pre-conference workshop, preceding the 63rd annual ICA Conference. London, UK, 17-21 june 2013.

Participant in the Mapping The Digital News Ecosystems: Professional Journalism, New Producers And Active Audiences In The Digital Public Sphere workshop. Funded by the European Science Foundation, arranged by David Domingo, Pere Masip & Karin Wahl-Jorgensen. To be held in Barcelona, Spain, may 8-11, 2013.

Participant in the Internettforskning: Etikk – Juss – Forskererfaringer seminar, arranged by the Norwegian Social Science Data Services. To be held in Bergen, Norway on february 7, 2013.

Participant in the Introducing Connected Concept Analysis: A mixed methods approach to mapping discourse in large text datasets workshop, held at the Internet Research 13.0: Technologies conference. Salford, United Kingdom, 17 october 2012.

Participant in the Political Communication in the Online World: Innovation in Theory and Research Designs workshop, preceding the 62nd annual ICA Conference. Phoenix, AZ, 24 may 2012.

Participant in the Paradox in the Net: Agency Versus Control and the Struggle for Performance and Participation workshop, preceding the Internet Research 12.0: Performance and Participation conference. Seattle, WA, 10-13 october 2011.

Participant in the 2011 Summer Doctoral Programme at the Oxford Internet Institute, july 11-22 2011.

Representative at the Board for IT-related issues, Uppsala University

Information officer for the Third Scandinavian Conference on IS & The 35th IRIS Seminar.

Visiting scholar, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, NJ, USA, january – march, 2011.

I worked as director of communication for The Swedish IT-User Centre (NITA) from april 2010 to may 2012.




























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